28 November 2005


Good TG this year. Followed by a good first anniversary. The fellas came for food and drink this year and brought with them new to me music. The most impressive of which has been The Decemberists new album. Good stuff. It makes me wish tours came anywhere near me. Maybe someday I'll be both near a city that has good music and motivated to take part in the scene. Ah well. Go Birds.

22 November 2005

Deathray for Cutie

The Deathray Davies are pretty sweet. I got a Paste magazine from work the other day and it had a DVD in it with all sorts of videos from a range of bands. DD had a song on there called Clock In Now. It's on their website and should be viewed in your spare time. Anyways, the hook was that it starred Kumar Pallana of Wes anderson fame. I'm a sucker for Mr. Littlejeans. Oh, also, I hate Madonna.

On the Rhode

FSU has a Rhodes Scholar this year. Wow. Usually they just have Playboy ACC girls. Way to step it up.

20 November 2005


Running is a bitch. On the plus side, I ran a couple seven minute miles. That's a lot better than when I first started back in the back in the day. In my first running class in college, I ran my first mile in like 12 minutes. I thought I was doing pretty good. Not so. But seven is a respectable time.
I've been looking for some OOP books recently too. The good stuff is not cheap.
Lastly, if you haven't already, meet Sexton. Good guy. Old friend.

17 November 2005


Man, Universal City. Way to be.

Eye'm blind

Recently, I've noticed that I can't really see as well as I used to be able to. I think as a kid I probably had a little better than 20/20 vision in both eyes. Maybe 20/18 in one. Anyways, I was getting worried about it this past week since it seems to have come on rather quickly. So today I printed out a Snellen Eye Chart and tried it out. Shit. One eye is like 20/40 and the other is 20/30. Now, obviously this is just an in house diagnostic but still, I feel like it's at least a bad sign. As such, I'm off to the local doc next week to try and figure this out. I hope I don't go blind.

16 November 2005

Season the Third

I love me some Home Movies. If you haven't seen this yet, do me and you a favor and buy all three seasons. I just got season three today and damn. I mean, damn. It's like if steak and cake could be combined without it being steak-cake. Tastes good.


I was upset that the new iPod could play video and the one I got a few months ago couldn't. So I hopped on over to iPodhacks to see if anything cool was hiding out. As it turns out, no. Not really. The website is poorly designed at best. I'll keep looking but I'm only loosely interested, I'm not going to dig through all their shit to find something fun.

15 November 2005

Jesus tits

What the hell Eagles?

14 November 2005

Monday night football

TO; who cares?
Also, the link in the top right corner lets me go wandering in the random neighborhood that includes my blog (currently). A little ways down the pseudo street I found this chick who's at UNC (not too far down the road/big ups (can I say big ups?) to McCaleb) I think. Anyways, she overtanned in a tanning salon, and that made me laugh. Enjoy.

Hppnss n slvry

So I am avoiding the reading I am supposed to be doing. This is due in large part to the contents of my iPod and the desire to understand what's going on in The Fallen by Franz Ferdinand. As it turns out, all kinds of neat stuff. First I wanted to know what the Kunst were/was/is. I thought it was going to be some sort of organization. Wrong. Then I wanted to know what St. Rollox Adieu was. As it turns out, I should have just been looking for St. Rollox. I think it is also a suburb of some Scotish city.
Also, I check out Jessica's site from time to time and maybe you should too. She has cool, graphic foot surgery photos up. She was in a car accident early this year and shattered all kinds of important foot pieces. I think she can walk now though. Cool.

09 November 2005


I was reading an article in last month's...actually I can't remember. I think it was IQ Gamer but who knows. It was a pre-New Castlevania game article which collected all of the previous versions of the game and not such much ranked them but gave a breif synopsis and a thumbs up/down approximation. This got me thinking about some of the releases for GBA. I'm a huge Symphony of the Night fan and now that I have a GBA, I'm looking for new shit to play. So far the only game I've really gotten into is Zelda: Minish Cap stylie.
The last link was long as hell and that got me thinking about something I read somewhere and that I am now going to go try and find... hold on.
Bingo. TinyUrl is a site that lets you take some link (my example link will be the link above) and let you turn it into a smaller, more usable link. Alikeso. Castlevania link, take two. Sweet huh?

08 November 2005

Say hello to my enlarged friend

I've been trying to figure out how big I can blow-up the pictures I take with my camera. Popular Photography does a good job of testing that sort of thing but my lenses are so antiquated and/or small (as in production run) that I can't get the info I want. I guess it's trial and error time.
Tim Kaine won the Virginia governor's race by a fairly slim margin. By in large, our area is fairly conservative so it was suprising to me that the D picked it up. As it stands it looks like Lt Gov might go to the R. I don't really understand the system here. The Lt Gov, as far as I have encountered, doesn't do shit. Why bother to seperate the two? Crazy VA.

The dragon comes in the night

So for some reason I got Strong Bad's little bit of song stuck in my head the other day which prompted me to go back and watch this cartoon over and over again. I love me a good short. That god me thinking about Penny Arcade and the (Ir)responsibility strip. I don't want to say that it's my favorite PA strip (Jesus is metal gets me everytime).
Also, had to look up the definition of labile for a paper I was reading. Add it to your everyday.

07 November 2005


Well, Owens is out for the season. I can't say I'm real sorry. Though I am a big Eagles fan, that jackass was really hurting more than he was helping. Yes, he's really really good at football but jesus, all you hear about is how he can't get his shit together. Just play nice. As a side note, the pizza guy left the tip on the doorstep? A) who the hell cares B) that counts as news?

Time flies

Forgot to change the time zone. All set.

All the news that's fit to read

I checked out CNN to see what was going on in the world of the world. As it happens, not a whole lot. This tends to make me wonder if I am falling for the media's portrayal of how the world works. I so often rely on big outlets for all my news that I think maybe I'm missing something really important. In all likelihood, yes, I am. But I don't care all that much. Anyways, whenever I get that feeling I pop over to Google News to check out their offerings. Usually everything coincides (as it did today) and I feel justified in my updated feeling.

The reason for the season

This is a new experimental sort of tool-thing wherein I will try to document and analyize my internet use. The hope is that it will open a small window into the connections that I make in my own mind. It seems like, since I can use the internet to connect two seemingly non-connected spots, like I do in my head, maybe I can use the net to capture the process that, until now, was locked inside of my mind. Just a shot in the dark really but it seemed much more palatable than relaying my repetative personal experiences. Sorry for any and all mispellings and grammatical errors. I'll do my best to avoid them.