09 November 2005


I was reading an article in last month's...actually I can't remember. I think it was IQ Gamer but who knows. It was a pre-New Castlevania game article which collected all of the previous versions of the game and not such much ranked them but gave a breif synopsis and a thumbs up/down approximation. This got me thinking about some of the releases for GBA. I'm a huge Symphony of the Night fan and now that I have a GBA, I'm looking for new shit to play. So far the only game I've really gotten into is Zelda: Minish Cap stylie.
The last link was long as hell and that got me thinking about something I read somewhere and that I am now going to go try and find... hold on.
Bingo. TinyUrl is a site that lets you take some link (my example link will be the link above) and let you turn it into a smaller, more usable link. Alikeso. Castlevania link, take two. Sweet huh?


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